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Monday, July 25, 2011

Cut Throat, No BS Allowed

Turning the other cheek is the mature thing to do, I know I know. But I only have two cheeks on my face. After two chances, the next cheeks you will see is my backside as I walk away.  I am one of those I can forgive, but not gonna forget type people.  I use to allow people several chances to self correct.  We all make mistakes, and sometimes behavior patterns are just that, patterns.  Some folks try to "change" other's, some folks just deal with it, and others (like myself) tend to let go.  

I know it can seem cut throat as hell, but as I get older I realized people don't change easily.  Hell even I have habits that I'm not willing to change, and I make that very clear with every friendship/relationship.  It's been almost 3yrs since I have had a real conversation with my own mother and sister. I had to let them go after several "chances" to accept me for being who I am.  I am a very proud, outspoken, sarcastic, bi-sexual mother, in an open marriage.  I understand that's a hard concept for a religious family to swallow.  So I allowed them time, and I turned cheeks to their harsh words and judgments on my lifestyle.  But after 5yrs of my currently 10yr relationship I had to let them go.  Yes I forgave them for things said about me, and to my children. However that doesn't mean I need to allow another opportunity to hurt or disappoint me again. 

Over the past years, my tolerance for bullshit has diminished.  Being a Gemini gives me the unique ability to communicate very well. It's one of the easiest things to manage, but its also can be the hardest thing to do.  Without communication, everything from business to personal can fail.  If I can't trust someone to open their mouth and just share thoughts, then what can I trust? When I start having to ask myself that question, then it's usually time for me to exit stage left.  It might not be the right thing to do, and some may not understand.  Being cut throat has saved me from a lot of bad situations.  But more importantly it has allowed me to live in peace.  Which is what everyone deserves right?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mid-Year Resolutions, Why Wait Til December?

Every New Years people announce their goals for the upcoming year.  By the month of March, over 50% of those people haven't taken one single step towards accomplishing those goals. It's now July, and before you know it, leaves will be falling from the trees.  So technically we all should be about half way done with our resolutions right? Wrong! 
Wrong at least for myself, I am so far behind, its sad.  All writing has been on hold since football began in January.  After dislocating my arm in football practice, working out and typing became difficult.  I probably gained a good 10 pounds since the injury, but no time is better then present to get rid of it!  In two months my Ace will be getting married.  I definitely do not want 101 pictures in a tight bridesmaid dress!  So it is now essential that I get on the ball.  I also need to complete and publish my cookbook.  I know its going to be a challenge due to funds, but not impossible with the correct budget.  It has also been on my heart to start Pride Pillows again!  Pillows wasn't really on my "2011 To-Do List", but when your intuition speaks more then once, you probably should listen.  So yes I need to give myself a spanking, as my Bella would say lol.  It is time to get-r-dun and complete some goals!  Slow start doesn't mean I can't finish the race strong right? #Take2