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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Blacksheep Testimony

          Ten months ago we lost our home.  Nine months ago we lost my step-mother.  Eight months ago my husband lost his job.  I could blame the recession, but reality is we, like many other families, are just dealing with life's many ups and downs.  However I am SO THANKFUL for the lows, because they truly make you appreciate the highs.
           As soon as we lost the house, our children were sent away for summer break (good timing right?).  This allowed us the option to live in a hotel until we could reestablish our money.  It seemed like a great idea, just hubby and I cuddled up in a studio sized hotel suite.  However when my step-mother was diagnosed with cancer, I did what I needed to do to help my father.  Even if that meant losing weeks of pay, and making several trips from ATL to Chicago.  During the time of her funeral, my husband was laid off of his job of 8 years.  Talk about a double wammy!  So when our children returned home 3 months later, they found us living in a hotel on a very minimal budget.  Hurt and disappointed, but we as parents did what we had to do to make it work.  To say it was a major adjustment for us all is an understatement.  We went from a half acre backyard to absolutely no play space.  Sharing bathrooms, drawers and counter space with children is hectic.  Not being able to entertain guest with BBQ, cards, and laughs was the worse for me.   During this time we had to deal with many other financial obstacles. Traffic fines which turn into thousands of dollars (and i do mean thousands) in fines and fees.  We lost not one but 2 trucks, making it impossible for hubby to job hunt.
          I couldn't let the negative things overcome us, so I found myself constantly looking for the positives.  Sharing a small space can really serve as bonding for a family.  Hubby and I learned so much about our children during that time (good and bad).  They definitely are coming into their own personalities, which can sometimes be missed behind bedroom doors, and too much technology time.  It also caused us to really focus on building unity and showing respect for others.  But most of all it made us all appreciative.  At least once a week I had to remind everyone that it could be worse.  We could be in a shelter, separated, or living outside on the streets.  We had walls, good eats, and enough income to maintain week to week.
          I am SO HAPPY TO SHARE that as of 4 weeks ago, we have been able to climb a few steps up the mountain of life.  Instead of purchasing another SUV, we were able to purchase a small gas saving vehicle.  After 7 months of unemployment, hubby started his new job this week.  AND we moved into an apartment temporarily while we save up for another house.  Nope I'm not back to where I want to be, but I had to share some of the progress.  Many people including my own family had no idea of our situation.  Just goes to show that everything that glitters aint gold!  A lot of times people assume life is grand.  You never really know what someone is going through, but better believe through it all I held my head high, stayed positive, and kept my eyes on the prize:
Dear Top,
The Williams are coming for you..
Sincerely Ladae


  1. Thank you so much for your openess *big hug

    1. Your hubby and children are blessed with an phenomenal woman.

    2. Thank you for the read, and I know many more are just as strong.. just helps to know others are pushing thru too..

  2. I'm so glad that you shared. So many times I want to scream on facebook things aren't always what they seem. I also have a blog here, and I still haven't always been as open as I would like to (my mother reads them.) Still I find it somewhat therapeutic. You're obviously incredibly strong, and these are the things that make us stronger. Keep on keeping your head up :)

    1. Thanks Ayisha, writing is great therapy and I'm guilty of neglecting my blog.. but its time to get back to it.. thank u for the words!

  3. Definitely an inspiration ....being a very private person many people do think my life is untouched with trials. I applaud your sharing and your positive attitude and focus. Sometimes I my self loose site that we all go through something. *bighugs* & a tear today is one of my days of trials to overcome and as you said it could be worse.

    1. we're taught to "keep dirty laundry hidden" but sometimes that gives the wrong idea to folks.. wasnt easy putting it all out there, but i know the power of testimony.. guess this is my way of paying it forward.. thank u for the bugs :)

  4. Thank you for sharing your story. My family had a very similar experience many, many years in hotels, losing jobs, 3 school aged kids etc. I know exactly what your going through and you are so brave to share this with the world. You're right, you never know what someone is going through and your story could encourage the ones that need it most. And having gone through what you are currently experiencing I know exactly how you feel. My kids are grown now and I have an empty nest. They've learned from our experiences and are doing quite well for themselves. I dont know you personally, but we've been facebook friends for a few years (I have roots in Evanston too) and I know your family will get through the challenges and be well on your way to recovery. Congrats to the hubby on the new job! Peace and Blessings.
    Sandy Stanley

  5. Great piece, very inspirational! Make sure you make your appointment, the top has seats awaiting your arrival! J.Meals

  6. This is an amazing blog. You always seem so happy and positive so you're right, never would have known. I am so sorry for all of your losses, but I am so happy for the closeness and bonds you created with your family. Congrats on climbing up from your losses!!! Proud of you and your attitude about it. AWESOME!!!


  8. Wow, you never know what people are goin thru but the crazy part is we were going thru the same thing at the same time. Things are now better for me and for you as well I see, positive thinking and faith go along way. I'm glad to see you back on your feet and climbing back to the top as I'm currently doing the same.

  9. You probably don't know this, but you have always been an inspiration to me. You strength, drive and ambition is at a higher level than most!! You guys keep pressing on as you always do and you are already at the top!!! Love ya!!
    - Alanda -
