Within 3 months of using Turbo Jam, I dropped 35 pounds. I started eating 3 meals and 2-3 snacks every day, and increasing my water intake. I stopped drinking beer and high calorie mix drinks (have to count the cal's you drink too) and traded in for vodka tonics with a lime wedge. I wrote down everything I ate/drank, counted calories, watched my portions, and made small goals (10 pds down, under 200 pds, a certain dress). This pix was taken a couple months into my "lifestyle change", 205 pounds, size 16.

After 5 months I increased my workouts from 3 days a week to 6 days. I dropped a total of 75 pounds with no crazy pills, no surgery, and had a new appreciation for fitness. Still a chocoholic, but was able to find alternative chocolate snacks besides Twix (my all time favorite). By the time I took this pix in 2007 I weighed 175 pounds, size 7-8..
I kept the weight off for a good 2yrs but recently put on a few pounds (20 to be exact!), which happens. We all slip up from time to time. However before the holidays do even more damage, I've decided to get on the ball. My friend Sirius started a Facebook group called "No Excuses", as away to keep us accountable for our food intake and workout on a daily basis. So far this group has been awesome. We motivate each other, share our food intake and recipes, and crack the whip with challenges or punishments of the day (workout routines that we do as a group). It's only been a week, but already this group has made a major difference for me and others. I've even decided to challenge myself to a meat free week too! No fish, no chicken, just veggies baby!
So here is my new BEFORE pix.. and I cant WAIT to post the AFTER in a couple months..
I encourage you to also make a weight-loss challenge of your own. Rather its online or with coworkers, don't wait until New Years Eve to make a "resolution". The best time to start is now! Start by writing down your food intake (it helps to see where you're slipping.) Find a program that works for you, weight watchers, cal or carb counts, etc. Start moving! Even if its just a long walk with the kids, or a gym pass, ANYTHING is better then nothing. Mix it up if you're getting bored or hitting a plateau. Post a picture of your heaviest moment on your cell phone or computer, so you have a daily reminder. But most importantly don't look at it as a diet, it is a lifestyle change. If your ready to change your life, then time is now to live healthy.
No Excuses Baby
I am @ my heaviest now, 240 lbs. I call it "grief weight" because when my mom passed in Feb. I totally let myself go. At first I would go to my Zumba classes as though my life depended on it (it does, LOL)to try to take my mind off my pain and was doing fine. I stopped altogether once school started back up in August...so this is where I am. I recommitted myself to losing the weight for good Nov. 1st and slowly but surely I am getting back into the routine. I feel better! I have given myself a year to lose the weight. I am 33 years old and 5'8" tall. Is a year too long of a time span? Blessings~~
ReplyDeleteIm sorry to hear about your loss, and can totally understand the weight gain. How much are you trying to lose in one year? Depending on your goal you probably could do short term goals and still drop some serious weight. I say start with a 6 week goal.. then move to a 3 month goal. This way you wont get discouraged whenever you have a slow week/month.
ReplyDeleteI would like to lose 40 lbs.to get to a healthy 200 lbs. after that I would like to assess my progress and maybe concentrate on just toning. Shorter weight term goals sounds like a good deal. I will start with the 6 weeks, say about 5-7lbs? I set my weight loss goals low so as not to disappoint myself, LOL!
ReplyDeleteIdeally you can lose 1-3pds a week just by increasing your water, eating 5-6 times a day, and working out 3 days a week. I understand setting low goals lol. But realistically you could lose 12-15 pounds SAFELY in 6 weeks. No starving, weird cleanses, or pills. How are your eating habits? Do you have 3 meals, snack all day, eat late nights, or have that one big meal a day?
ReplyDeleteYes, there is NO EXCUSE for a muffin top! lol I look forward to, not only hearing about, but seeing your progress. You are truly a motivation to us all. Thank you for being the "Enforcer" that you are.
ReplyDeleteTo the anonymous poster: I too am sorry to hear about your loss. As Ladae has stated, it is best to set short term goals. Minor milestones will equal a major milestone. Take it slow & pace yourself. The changes won't happen over night but they will happen. Just be consistent.
Thank you both! @ T.L.Williams, I call myself a "grazer" because I eat all day long about every 4-5 hrs. I've been snacking on fruit, popcorn, lo cal things...I got rid of the Pepsi and increased the water. I weighed myself today I was down 3 lbs.! :-) I am not gonna get geeked just yet because I know that was just water weight...LOL
ReplyDeleteCongrats! even if its water weight its a loss.. keep up the good work (and try not to do the scale daily cud discourage ya)
ReplyDeleteYea...I am working on really making my 'at least 30-minutes' five days a week. I have some extra motivation since I've recently been deemed as not physically attractive enough to continue being intimate with by a chick but, also, my dude does Crossfit and is like a spokesperson for that program. I eventually want to start doing that or P90X since the shorter but more intense work outs with variety are more my style but I also want to not only feel sexy (because I still see myself as a sexy beast at my current size) but know that I can walk outside butt naked and no one will be mad at me. :) I am also an awesome dancer and just want to look better doing various performances like latin dance, burlesque and stripteases. Additionally, I enjoy some sports and would like to participate (volleyball, rollerblading, tennis, etc). It's my time.