Within 3 months of using Turbo Jam, I dropped 35 pounds. I started eating 3 meals and 2-3 snacks every day, and increasing my water intake. I stopped drinking beer and high calorie mix drinks (have to count the cal's you drink too) and traded in for vodka tonics with a lime wedge. I wrote down everything I ate/drank, counted calories, watched my portions, and made small goals (10 pds down, under 200 pds, a certain dress). This pix was taken a couple months into my "lifestyle change", 205 pounds, size 16.

After 5 months I increased my workouts from 3 days a week to 6 days. I dropped a total of 75 pounds with no crazy pills, no surgery, and had a new appreciation for fitness. Still a chocoholic, but was able to find alternative chocolate snacks besides Twix (my all time favorite). By the time I took this pix in 2007 I weighed 175 pounds, size 7-8..
I kept the weight off for a good 2yrs but recently put on a few pounds (20 to be exact!), which happens. We all slip up from time to time. However before the holidays do even more damage, I've decided to get on the ball. My friend Sirius started a Facebook group called "No Excuses", as away to keep us accountable for our food intake and workout on a daily basis. So far this group has been awesome. We motivate each other, share our food intake and recipes, and crack the whip with challenges or punishments of the day (workout routines that we do as a group). It's only been a week, but already this group has made a major difference for me and others. I've even decided to challenge myself to a meat free week too! No fish, no chicken, just veggies baby!
So here is my new BEFORE pix.. and I cant WAIT to post the AFTER in a couple months..
I encourage you to also make a weight-loss challenge of your own. Rather its online or with coworkers, don't wait until New Years Eve to make a "resolution". The best time to start is now! Start by writing down your food intake (it helps to see where you're slipping.) Find a program that works for you, weight watchers, cal or carb counts, etc. Start moving! Even if its just a long walk with the kids, or a gym pass, ANYTHING is better then nothing. Mix it up if you're getting bored or hitting a plateau. Post a picture of your heaviest moment on your cell phone or computer, so you have a daily reminder. But most importantly don't look at it as a diet, it is a lifestyle change. If your ready to change your life, then time is now to live healthy.
No Excuses Baby