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Monday, November 8, 2010

No Excuse For My Muffin Top

At my heaviest I was 240 pounds. A victim of the "Call Center Diet" and back to back pregnancies.  At 5 feet 6 inches tall, I knew I had to make a change.  So one late night I sat in bed watching a Turbo Jam commercial, grabbed the hubby's credit card, and placed the order.  This picture was  taken May 2006, 240 pounds, size 22-24, and condemed to shopping in the back of the stores. (I hate that, why do they make us squeeze through all them racks of cute clothes for skinny chicks, and then offer a slim selection of crap, but I digress)

Within 3 months of using Turbo Jam, I dropped 35 pounds. I started eating 3 meals and 2-3 snacks every day, and increasing my water intake. I stopped drinking beer and high calorie mix drinks (have to count the cal's you drink too) and traded in for vodka tonics with a lime wedge.  I wrote down everything I ate/drank, counted calories, watched my portions, and made small goals (10 pds down, under 200 pds, a certain dress).  This pix was taken a couple months into my "lifestyle change", 205 pounds, size 16.

After 5 months I increased my workouts from 3 days a week to 6 days.  I dropped a total of 75 pounds with no crazy pills, no surgery, and had a new appreciation for fitness.  Still a chocoholic, but was able to find alternative chocolate snacks besides Twix (my all time favorite).  By the time I took this pix in 2007  I weighed 175 pounds, size 7-8..

I kept the weight off for a good 2yrs but recently put on a few pounds (20 to be exact!), which happens.  We all slip up from time to time.  However before the holidays do even more damage, I've decided to get on the ball.  My friend Sirius started a Facebook group called "No Excuses", as away to keep us accountable for our food intake and workout on a daily basis.  So far this group has been awesome.  We motivate each other, share our food intake and recipes, and crack the whip with challenges or punishments of the day (workout routines that we do as a group).  It's only been a week, but already this group has made a major difference for me and others.  I've even decided to challenge myself to a meat free week too!  No fish, no chicken, just veggies baby! 

So here is my new BEFORE pix.. and I cant WAIT to post the AFTER in a couple months..

I encourage you to also make a weight-loss challenge of your own.  Rather its online or with coworkers, don't wait until New Years Eve to make a "resolution".  The best time to start is now!  Start by writing down your food intake (it helps to see where you're slipping.)  Find a program that works for you, weight watchers, cal or carb counts, etc.  Start moving!  Even if its just a long walk with the kids, or a gym pass, ANYTHING is better then nothing.  Mix it up if you're getting bored or hitting a plateau.  Post a picture of your heaviest moment on your cell phone or computer, so you have a daily reminder.  But most importantly don't look at it as a diet, it is a lifestyle change.  If your ready to change your life, then time is now to live healthy.
No Excuses Baby 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Do You Know Your Worth?

We all have a price tag.  No no, I don't mean you gold diggers, that's another blog.  Currency doesn't always come in the form of a Gucci Bag and a paid car note.  The payment can be in the form of emotion, mental, or physical assets.  We all have a price, rather we want to admit it.  The question is do you know how much your worth?

How much attention do you need in a relationship to feel wanted?  How much quality time do you need to stay connected?  How much communication is necessary to earn/acquire trust?  How come we don't add these things up before or DURING a relationship!  I was recently talking with a new friend, and she expressed to me her frustration with her marriage.  I wont go into details, because her story could easily be any person's story (man or woman).  Basically one person's needs are not being met and love is on the rocks.  She wants to leave but there are life aspects that make her stay (children, stability, etc.), which is normal for any relationship.  Change is scary, unpredictable, and a hard choice to make.  But its also usually the best thing you could do for a sour relationship.

So how much is your worth?  Don't we all deserve a peaceful home, trusting relationship, and positive role models for our children?  When women OR men stay in an unhappy home, we teach our children how tolerate bull shhht.  We show them that it's normal for mommy to talk down to daddy.  We show them that its ok for daddy to lay hands on mommy.  We give example day after day of how little we expect for our lives.  Instead we should be showing what a healthy relationship really entails.  Prove to your self that you want better, and have the power to obtain better.

Challenge yourself to find your worth.  Rather your dating or married, if you find yourself questioning your situation, its probably time to find out your worth.  Write down what you bring to a relationship (your assets) and then what you need in return.  And no this list should not include physical qualities, because THOSE types of list can keep your butt single for longer then know lmao.  Ask your self are if you're tolerating this relationship for the children, bills, or comfort.  (Which is never the right answer!)  Find out if your happiness and mental health is where you need it to be. Quit placing yourself on the Dollar Store shelf when you're worth more then gold.

So again I ask, do you know your worth?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Legitimate Work From Home

The alarm goes off at 10:00 am.  I roll out of bed and make a bathroom stop.  10:15, I head to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. By 10:30 I am on the clock, still in my PJ's, and relaxing in my bedroom/office.  You can't beat that for a commute time! lol

I have been an employee for Alpine Acces/GE Money Bank since September 2007.  Truth be told, you couldn't pay me enough money to go back to a real office setting.  I have worked for plenty of big companies, with great benefits and decent pay.  Verizon Wireless, AT&T, State Farm, and my favorite Syracuse University Food Service (where I got all my management skills Thank You Very Much!)  But to be honest, I wish I would have found Alpine years ago.  Imagine how ticked off I was to learn that the same thing I did in the major call centers, I could have been doing from home. I added up how much I spent on gas ($30/week), dress clothes ($75/month), vending machines ($3/day), lunch ($10-15/day), pot lucks ($20/month) , and DAY CARE ($400/month).  OMG more then half of my income was gone before I even clocked in!

So here's the deal.  If you have a home phone, excellent communication skills, a clean background, and a computer, chances are you could be working from home too.  If you have a h.s. diploma, your good to go (I have a Masters and still refuse to work a corporate job LBVS!)  I did not pay any start up fees, although you may have to pay for a background check which is normal.  Your computer will need to have sufficient space on the hard drive.  You will need to be able to self train and self help.  If you are someone who needs to have coworkers around, and a manager for guidance, this job is not for you.  It can get pretty lonely sitting in you office/room by yourself day after day (yes i get cabin fever.)

The pay usually starts around $9 and up, some companies you could be making a good $16 and hour.  My employer offers schedules or jump on hours (jump on just means you work when you can).  I get direct deposit check every 2 weeks, and benefits just like I had with my old employers.  The hiring process is not quick, so be ready for 2wks of paper work, testing, and interviews. is my employer's site.. and yes they are hiring RIGHT now. is another company where some of my peers work. is mostly tech and data entry. does tech support as well.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask away,
Good luck with your job search!

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Natural Truth

"Your hair is sooo pretty, why would you dread it up?"  That question has always irked the mess out of me!  It kills me just how uneducated black women are about their OWN hair.  The fact is, we will pass up the white products to purchase the higher priced black products, which are both made by THE SAME COMPANY. smh! The only difference is they made the bottle brown, and stuck an afro on the front.

Now I've never gone to cosmetology school, but I come from a family of certified hair stylist and kitchen beauticians. I have always been the "go to" person for braids, relaxers, and weaves.  But when I decided to go natural Junior year in college, my family was NOT happy.  Technically I have what black folks call "good hair."  You know the kind that gets cute little curls when wet, and will slick all the way down with just a little bit of hair grease.  Not too thick, not too thin, and grows pretty quick.  So WHY oh WHY did I lock it?  Easy answer: I was tired of trying to keep up with hair fashions.  Gels, spritz, curlers, glue, sew ins, wigs, and just about anything the Sally's Beauty Supply had to offer, has been attached to my head.

So here's the truth about going natural.  It is not easy.  It is not a quick process.  Most importantly it is NOT for everyone!  Changing how YOU see yourself is the first challenge, before you even start the natural process.  Changing our image always takes us out of our comfort zone.  Self image is usually the reason why women will cut off all their hair, and then quickly sew it back in.  If you can accept that your short afro is just as beautiful as your 22 inch Wendy Williams Wig, then you've passed the hardest step.

The process can take months (sometimes years in my case) to totally go natural.  If you're in a hurry, then this process isn't for you.  It took years and years of creamy crack, and lace fronts, to damage your hair.  It will take just as long to repair it, and grow a natural crown.  If you have "good hair" like mine, it can take longer then course hair, so you really have to be patient.  I found out quickly that my "good hair" aint good when you're trying to lock! lol

When in doubt, get hair help!  It helps to have a great loc'tician (shout out to Franz Che to steer you in the right direction.  There's a lot of products out there that might work for your friend, but is not right for your hair.  Read the back of every bottle.  If the first 3 ingredients are water, glycol, and fragrance.. PUT IT BACK! Try to use products that include natural oils.  Don't let the price fool you!  More expensive does not always equate to "better".  All I use 100% Shea butter ($7 for a big tub of it) and Olive Oil ($5 at the grocery store).  The most I spend is on shampoo and conditioners (Cantu or Pantene).  I use the "white folks" hair dye (Feria #100) which has never damaged my hair (unlike Dark N Lovely ugh).  Just remember your hair is like a plant, you have to protect the roots.  At night, SATIN CAPS are a must for any woman, natural or relaxed.  Your cotton pillow will suck the life (and moisture) right out of your hair!
So there it is, the Natural Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth!  

If you have any hair tips, preferred products, or hair questions please share..
